That said, to answer your question, just go into a quest, eat a might pill, drink your dash juice, etc and then alt tab to the table and freeze the duration values by ticking the box to stop the game from changing it.

These tables are not meant to be used for online play and nobody here will openly support that. You already have the pointers in your table for the consumable buffs so I would assume it wouldn't be too hard for you to just make them freeze or refresh after they are applied? Or if you don't know how to make this possible, is it possible for you to make a script that just gives us Mega Demondrug/Armorskin, Might/Adamant Seed, Demon/Hardshell Powder, Might/Adamant Pill, Cool Drink, Dash Juice, ect? I've had a few people point out that I have insane amounts of buffs when using "Super Buffed" and I'd rather appear more legit when playing online. It basically makes it so that if I eat a might pill I will keep the +13% damage for the duration of the mission or until I die. Is it possible for you to add a script that makes buffs last until the end of the hunt/forever? I've seen the option in another trainer and I'd rather just use CE instead of having several trainers open at the same time to get all the features I like.